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- 377Total Learners
- 8Total Sessions
- Feb 17, 2016Active Since
- Encinitas, United StatesLocation
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Diane Mandle is an internationally known Sound Healer, Teacher, Recording Artist with Sounds True and Author based in San Diego.
The only State Certified Tibetan bowl sound healer in California, she is a frequent presenter at the Deepak Chopra Center, the Golden Door and Rancho la Puerta. She has been part of the Integrative Therapy Team at San Diego Cancer Center, has presented workshops for cancer patients at Sharp and Scripps hospitals and developed and conducted a program for incarcerated veterans with PTSD.
Diane offers workshops and concerts internationally and operates the Tibetan...
Experience and Distinctions
Practicing Tibetan bowl sound healing since 2000, Opened one of the first schools in the USA in 2008. The first to offer a multi-media home study course for working with the Sacred Sound Instruments .